Thursday, September 16, 2010

DB2 basics

CREATE DATABASE command, DB2 creates a number of documents. These files include log files, configuration information, historical documents and three table spaces. The three table spaces are:

SYSCATSPACE: This is a store directory where DB2 system, DB2 system directory to track all objects associated with metadata.

TEMPSPACE1: DB2 to place the intermediate results of the temporary workspace.

USERSPACE1: By default all user objects (tables and indexes) is located where.

In cataloging the database on the client there are three ways:

Use discovery (discovery) of the automated configuration

Use Access Summary (access profile) automated configuration

Manual configuration

Configuring DB2 client to access remote DB2 database server and another is to use automation to access summary. Access summary contains the client for a DB2 server database cataloging the information needed.

And use the same found in the use of access to the outline, do not need to make DB2 client can connect to the DB2 server communications to provide any detailed information.

There are two access summary:

Server to access the summary is created from the DB2 server. They contain the DB2 server has been cataloging all the instances and databases.

Summary of client access from a client for another client to copy the database has been cataloged and / or client settings (DBM CFG and the CLI / ODBC).

Both outline can be exported from a DB2 system, then import to another DB2 system.

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